Dynamics GP

The Importance of Strong Passwords

Do you remember what your first password was? It was probably something very simple like your petsname1 or awesome321. Password criteria has since changed over the years as we use technology more and more through our daily activities. Bank accounts, social media accounts, email accounts, credit card accounts, and much more, all require a password. […]

Importance of Mobile to Small Businesses

How is your business leveraging technology and innovation? Mobile technology continues to be an important role in the future of businesses. Without adapting to the constant changes in technology, your business could be missing out on opportunities.  More employees are preferring to do their work on their mobile devices- smartphones, tablets, etc. With the ability […]

GP Workflow Tip!

If the Document Lines are not appearing or appearing in the wrong columns in the workflow email, remove the Selected Fields from the message setup and re-add in order. For example, if the email lines look like this: Go to the Message Setup, and remove all of the Selected Fields from the box on the […]