Providing the Bridge Between Dynamics GP & BlackLine

The Blackline Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP is a powerful solution for automation and reconciliation of key financial data. The connector parses, formats and transfers your financial information on a schedule that you define.
What is Opal's BlackLine Connector?
Fully Supported Component
On Premise Application
Automatic Data Changes

Currently Supported
The OBS BlackLine Connector Tool is configured with user credentials that run a Windows Scheduled Task that then executes a procedure to create the extract files on the desired frequency. The procedure can be adapted for each customer, to provide the required data to BlackLine according to the template.
Utilizing BlackLine is the first step towards Sarbanes Oxley Compliance and financial peace of mind. Your entire Blackline process gets even more automated by adding one simple integration tool which allows your employees to focus on more productive tasks. The BlackLine Connector for Dynamics GP gathers, parses, formats, and transfers your financial information to Blackline for reconciliation.
Where should it be installed?
It can be installed on a terminal server, the SQL Server machine, or even a workstation. Normally, the processes are somewhat transparent to the staff because it runs automatically. It can only be installed on one machine and the machine MUST have internet access; FTP ports on the firewall must be open for this machine.
What happens when GP is upgraded?
This depends on the modules licensed for BlackLine. For extracts going from GP to the BL FTP site, there will probably be no changes. For extracts going from the BL FTP site to GP, eConnect will need to be upgraded and it may require an update to the import module.
What modules do you currently support?
Account Reconciliations (Period Balance Extract), Journal Entry [JE Import Process, JE Import Validation Status, JE Account Master Validation], Subledger Reconciliations.
Who will install and configure it, how long will it take?
The implementation team will work remotely with your IT group to install and configure the OBS Blackline Connector Tool. The IT group will need to supply credentials for SQL Server, Windows account credentials for the task scheduler, and Blackline login credentials. The setup usually takes about an hour to complete.
How will the period end date be determined?
The Account Reconciliations and Subledger Reconciliations require that a period end date be used to pull balances. The typical logic is to use the oldest open period within the Fiscal Period Setup window in GP; however, custom logic can be created.