The Simplicity of Azure Migrations

It can be overwhelming to think about the process of data migration. Microsoft Azure changes the game. Take a breath and experience a unified approach with the Azure Migrate service!

Azure Migrate provides a “centralized hub” where you can evaluate and easily migrate to Azure on-premises servers, infrastructure, applications, and data. With end-to-end visibility throughout every phase of the migration process, you never have to question what’s happening with your data.

The service includes:

  • “Unified Migration Platform
    • A single portal to start, run and track your migration to Azure
  • Range of tools for assessment and migration
    • Azure Migrate: Discovery and assessment
    • Azure Migrate: Server Migration
    • Integrates with other Azure services and tools
    • Integrates with independent software vendor (ISV) offerings
  • Assessment and migration hub
    • Services, databases, and web apps
      • Assess on-premises servers including web apps and SQL Server instances and migrate them to Azure virtual machines or Azure VMware Solution (AVS)
    • Databases
      • Assess on-premises databases and migrate them to Azure SQL Database or to SQL Managed Instance
    • Web Applications
      • Assess on-premises web applications and migrate them to Azure App Service
    • Virtual Desktops
      • Assess your on-premises virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and migrate it to Windows Virtual Desktop in Azure
    • Data
      • Migrate large amounts of data to Azure quickly and cost-effectively using Azure Data Box products”¹

These features only touch the surface of how migrations are simplified with Azure Migrate. Once your organization is operating in the cloud, you’ll be able to realize new benefits you didn’t think were possible.

Get started with Microsoft Azure today. Talk to one of Opal Business Solutions‘ experts for guidance and seamless migrations! We are a Microsoft Gold-Certified Partner with extensive knowledge of Azure and its services.

¹ Microsoft, About Azure Migrate, Sneha Sudir, et al., 15 April 2020.

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